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Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Cory's App OutHouse Open For Business

For those of you that haven't heard already my wish has been granted. After a year and a half of very hard work mind you I finally get what I've been dreaming about doing since I got out of Technical School in the early 90's. Start my own Virtual App Testing Show live well kinda. I'm still not sure if I want to keep outing my ugly scared up mug on YouTube. I didn't like the way I looked. Especially when you work as hard and as many hours that I do with War On The Internet, and Protect The Innocent, and my Facebook pages, Google Pages, and Sites, and Collections, and Forums, and Communities, and on and on I look like I'm unorganized and don't know what I'm doing. Normally when I'm writing its about 3am when I get all my facts together and ready for a final report. Normally after tracking a Scammer all day and or their activities lord knows the powers that be ain't doing it. Today being Super Tuesday do you think when Trump gets into office and we get a President in office with a pair that I'll finally get some help with War On The Internet. Go Trump OOpps Did I let that slip Sorry. What do you think my little Yahoo Friend. Don't answer that you know better. When we win this War I Promise to God I'm going to Scream Your Name from The Loudest Microphone. My Yahoo Friend has and is my only moral support in all of this and with me just know coming out of hiding or as I call it the underground. Were afraid of retaliation against her and her family. Me I don't give a Crap any more and my 75 year old crippled mother says bring them on so there you go. There main Scammer I like to call "THE VIPER" has already threatened me that she would get me and my family when this was over but you know what. The Good Lord Dune Took me once a few years back and saw fit to ALLOW me to come back and make a mends to my family. I already know I don't have much longer anyway and I'm OK with that because I know where I'm going and my mother knows how much I Love and Loved her. The good Lord know let's me do what I want. My mission in life and there's no better dealing to know that you walk with the angels. I feel there presence all around me. Too bad it doesn't bleed out into my immediate world. But you good folks give me a little bit moms getting home from work in a minute and I need to be there to help her up the steps God Bless Be Right Back. Cory Triplett known as Protect The Innocent for War On The Internet in Cory's App OutHouse!!! Catch Me If You CanNN!! Cory Triplett Out!!

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