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Sunday, January 29, 2017


For those of you that know me on a personnel level already know this but those that don't know what's been going on I will tell you now.
On August 8, 2016 exactly three weeks from my 45th Birthday my twin brother Keith Allen (Taz) Triplett passed away where he and my dad lived in a small town called Ashland Alabama. Following behind him 2 months later was my mother and My Soul and Heart on November 8, 2016. Needless to say 2016 has been the worst year in my life. You would think that things could get no worse right. Don't ever say that because you then hear this voice named life speak out and say " Life accepts your chalange". Oh shit here it comes it's on now.
So when my mom passed she left the three remaining children a sizable insurance policy. All sounds good right. I got a bit in cash. First thing I did was go out and buy a trailer threw my brothers girlfriend. Then my brother and his girlfriend changed the locks and then refused to tell me where it was at. Still to this day still haven't seen it and because they refused to give me my trailer I ended up living in hotel rooms and on the streets. 
My brother got moms car which he gave my sister $2,000 for the car and refused to give me my part. He also took everything in the house. I ended up spending every last dime living in that hotel. Mt sister acts like it ain't her problem and my sister ain't innocent either. She got all moms expensive clothes not to mention moms crystal and all her jewlry. I finally got access mental helth helping me fight for my disability that I've been fighting for the past 5 years.
It's kinda like the good lord took everything and everyone I cared about all at once and left me with nothing. My dad came down from alabama and I even asked him if I could go with him and he pretty much ignored me. I had told him that my brother and sister would do this and he talked to me like I was crazy.
So the day he was getting ready to head out my sister informed me that when they left out with my dad that I had better make arrangements because I had to leave. A few days later when I went to get a few more things that I left over there I could see why she wanted me to leave. I went walking through the house it looked like she just won the lottery with all the new stuff.
The good lord won't let me do anything he says he'll handel it so I'm going to leave it to him to fix. I spent the past 8 years being my moms unofficial caregiver and my family treats me like this for all my hard work. Taking care of my moms from sun up to sun down. They are the ones going to have to face my mother at the end and explain there crimes against me. So I don't have to seek revenge. The heavenly father says revenge is on him and he will fix it in there lives or when they cross over into there next lives. That and you can't take it with you. My Lord God tells me to forgive them. I'm trying but it's hard. We are supposed to have faith that the good lord knows best and we should have faith that in the big picture. He will see us through and he says he will not give us anything we can not handle.
That's all fine and dandy but good lord when you brought me back to life in 2008. I have done everything you have commanded. You told me my brother Donny would be comming home soon and if I didn't want to move on without my mother and my brothers place in heaven questionable would I like to take on Donny's role of looking out and taking care of Mother. I jumped on the opertunity as you would imagine. The past 8 years has been one blessing after another. My lord explained that my body was a temporary fix and that nothing was perminate. That's fine, I think he was trying to warn me about the pain which was on it's way. He also informed me I was the first that was supposed to go home. But now that I had changed destiny because one of my family also was fixing to commit suicide which would have expelled them from the Kingdom of Heaven. It was my main mission to go back and change this persons way of thinking still working on that one. Only time will tell now.
It still kinda hurts when I think of my lord taking everyone I cared about all at once. I find myself deep in depression asking my Lord why he has left me with noone I can truely call friends or family. As far as my remaining brother and sister stealing from me. My lord tells me not to worry about it anymore because in the end revenge shall be his and to hold my head up high and remember all the good times and for and formost remember who you work for. Yes dear lord and forgive me for questioning your judgement. At least know my brothers and mother are in no more pain. I just so look forward to my walk of fame through the kingdom of heaven. Besides you can take nothing with you but your heart and soul with all your memories so hopefully those memories always had good in them with the presents of the lord.
I saw a post on facebook the other day said the devil saw a homeless man with his head down so he saw it as a oppertunity. He swooped down on the man, the man slowly raised his head and said " In the name of the Father, The Son, and The Holy Goast". Amen. Then The Devil said POOOF! 
I want you the public my fans, my followers, my friends that I love you all very much and I have had a great time with you. They say 2 more years. I say when my lord commands me home and only then. Thank ya'll for putting up with my crap at times, the good and the bad. We may not have won this war but we did put a dent in there activities and we got the word out. Remember my old phrase. The best defense is a weapon I call knowledge. Even though the government refused to help us we helped each other by reporting among ourselves so we always knew there game plan. I still say we would have gotten more if the big buisness internet companies backed by gaming companies and the FBI were helping us instead of protecting them for the bottom dollar. Yea I said that and on the event of my death the person that holds my thousands of pages of documents and evidence to prove my accusations has been instructed to release everything to the public. God Bless You All And Have a Good Night. 
Catch Me If You CanNN!! 
Keep Looking Up Because That's Where It All Is!!
This is Cory Triplett reporting Live From Cory's App Outhoue For War On The Internet!! 
Cory Triplett known as Protect The Innocent, Commander Cory, and The War Room Commander on Facebook and Google. I'm a App and Web Development Designing Engineer or Web Master some say. Part of the original web Development Designing Core of Engineers that created the Web one of my lifes proudest moments.
Catch my life story at, and, and, 
I'm at,,, and, 
You can always find me on Facebook which I am also a Facebook and Google Developer even though I consider both of them corupt down to the fabric of there organizations.
Love You All Cory Triplett The First Internet Investigator for the people made by the people. Amen.Protect The Innocent blog sister blog